Wyong Christian Community School
One of the biggest decisions families make is where to send their child to school. At Wyong Christian Community School, we understand and value the importance of the early schooling years, as these set the foundations for your child to thrive in their future endeavours.
A significant factor when children commence school is their readiness. Some children may have turned 5 but are not yet ready for school life. Children need to be socially and emotionally ready in order to flourish within an educational community.
Below is a guide taken from learningpotential.gov.au to help you decide if your child is ready for Kindergarten in 2022:
- Social Skills – Being able to get along with other children, demonstrate basic manners, assert themselves, and being able to play independently as well as with other children.
- Emotional maturity – Being able to manage their emotions, cope with minimal adult contact in large groups, focus on tasks, follow directions and instructions from teachers, cope with the stress of the new school environment, and understand the rules.
- Language skills – Being able to talk and listen to adults and other children, speak clearly, communicate needs, understand stories, and begin to identify some letters and sounds.
- Cognitive Skills – Basic number sense, basic thinking skills, being able to wait and take turns.
- Physical health and coordination – Basic health, fine motor skills (such as being able to grip a pencil and turn pages in a book) and physical coordination (being able to run, jump, climb, and play ball).
- Independence – Basic skills to manage their needs without adult supervision, such as going to the toilet, dressing, unwrapping their lunch and managing their belongings.
Our school has dedicated teachers who consider teaching to be more than just a career. It is our ministry to develop each child to their full potential and equip them with the skills, knowledge and character needed to be responsible, high-functioning and compassionate members of the community. This is taught with biblically-based principles at the core.
We are committed to providing a loving and supportive environment where students flourish, aiming for brilliance in all that they do.
Our Kindergarten enrolments are open for 2022 and beyond, and we would welcome your family’s enquiry. In Semester 2, we will commence our Transition to School program. During this program, the children are supported, observed and assessed to determine where they are developmentally, socially and emotionally. This will help us to form classes to best place your child in the 2022 cohort.
At Wyong Christian Community School, we run personalised tours at a time that suits your family. We also hold Open Days twice per year. We would love to hear from you and take you for a tour to experience our school community.
For more information, please visit our website at www.wyongccs.nsw.edu.au or call us on 4351 2020.