Dr Shauna Watts – Award Winning GP, Cosmetic and Lifestyle Medical Physician.
Can you begin by telling us a little about yourself and your journey into aesthetic medicine.
I was born and raised in Ireland where I completed my medical education and Peter and I moved to Australia with our four children in 2013. As a GP trainee in the UK, I worked at a practice with a cosmetic component and was mentored by a GP with a special interest in aesthetics and dermatology. This sparked my initial interest and upon moving to Australia, I attended a number of aesthetic conferences which demonstrated both that the physiological aspects of the ageing process can, to some degree, be addressed, but also that the general wellbeing of a patient can be substantially enhanced in this area of medicine.
Your tagline is, ‘Enhancing, not changing, your natural beauty’. Can you unpack this for us?
When our patients embark on their journey with us, we like them to be better versions of themselves. We acknowledge the positive aspects of a patient’s aesthetic features but also use a holistic approach in our consultation and treatment method to create bespoke plans. This approach uses various technologies to create great anti–ageing results, but also incorporates a positive experience for the patient, which enhances their overall wellness.
If someone is interested in starting their aesthetics journey but has reservations due to products used/horror stories in media, how would you address this?
The unique situation at YBDSW is that six days a week there is at least one Doctor on the premises supervising all procedures. Dr Peter and myself are also able to collaborate and share ideas to allow the best results for our patients.
Many people feel apprehensive at dipping their toe into aesthetics as they have seen social media pictures of injectables gone wrong. This is one of the reasons why our planning appointment is something we encourage for every patient journey with us. We strongly believe that treatment planning and taking the approach that the best results can take time to achieve and should not be rushed. We also pride ourselves that our injectable results highlight that rejuvenation can be subtle and beautiful. Our patients do not want to look “overdone”.
At the planning your aesthetic journey appointment you spend one hour with a doctor a thorough history is taken and we use our experience to create a bespoke treatment plan for you. What was the best treatment for your sister or best friend may not be the right treatment for you.
As Lifestyle Medical Physicians and GPs, we understand that general wellbeing is at the heart of every treatment and that using state of the art management options we can help control the signs of aging and create a better looking ‘You’.
In your field, what’s your biggest passion?
While the field of aesthetic medicine grows and we are seeing fantastic results in the areas of skin rejuvenation and anti–ageing, I find most satisfaction in successfully treating patients who have been plagued by skin conditions, some of which have been lifelong. Many of these patients have attended dermatology specialists for years with poor results. By combining conventional medicine and the treatments available through the aesthetic industry, these patients can be successfully treated. The result can be amazing with an increase in self–confidence, self–esteem and an enhancement in mental wellbeing.
You by Dr Shauna Watts | The Quarters 2/960 The Entrance Road, Forrester’s Beach NSW 2260
ph 02 4302 8390 | www.youbydrshaunawatts.com | admin@youbydrshaunawatts.com | @youbydrshaunawatts