April Falls Campaign: Better Balance for Falls Prevention on the Central Coast

by LukeAdmin

Next month marks April Falls, a campaign that aims to raise awareness of falls prevention to help those at risk of falling stay on their feet. This year’s theme is ‘Better Balance for Falls Prevention’, and there are some great ways to do that for people on the Coast.

Having good balance reduces risk of trips and falls and helps us to live independent as we get older. We can maintain and improve our balance by staying active. This not only helps prevent our muscles from deconditioning, but is great for our mental health too.

If you want to get out and about with lockdowns now a thing of the past, you could join a local exercise program, or you could take up activities such as Tai Chi, yoga and bowls. To find an exercise program near you, visit the Active and Healthy website: www.activeandhealthy.nsw.gov.au/find-a-program.

There are also simple exercises you can do in the home to help your balance like leg and heel raises. For balance exercises you can do in the home, check out the following factsheet from the Central Coast Health Promotion Service: www.healthpromotion.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Home_based_exercises.pdf.

If you would like further information and resources to help improve your strength and balance, you can call the Central Coast Health Promotion Service on 4320 9700.

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