Amazing young locals named in new (Y4Y) Youth for Youth Action Team

by LukeAdmin

Y4Y team pictured from left to right: Jayden Golfis, Pahal Contractor, Amelia Munday,
Zara Mathews, Cypress Hart

Council has named five new Y4Y (Youth for Youth) action team members, to represent young people on the Central Coast.

The newly appointed team members range from 14 to 24 years and include young people who live, work or study on the Central Coast. The team was welcomed recently at a luncheon to discuss their action ideas to be delivered over the next 15 months.

Council Unit Manager Leisure Beach Safety and Community Facilities, Phil Cantillon said the Y4Y team will come together to help make youth-led initiatives and ideas happen in our community.

“Y4Y presents a great experience for each team member to receive leadership opportunities and skill development to empower them to act, advocate and advise on local youth-related issues, programs and initiatives,” Mr Cantillon said.

“I would like to congratulate our new Y4Y team who will undoubtedly do a great job representing and making things happen for our local young people.”

The new Y4Y team includes:

  • Jayden Golfis
  • Pahal Contractor
  • Amelia Munday
  • Zara Mathews
  • Cypress Hart

Council Administrator, Rik Hart said the Y4Y action team is an important platform for young people to have their voice heard.

“Programs such as the Y4Y action team are an innovative and collaborative way to ensure young people’s voices are heard, acknowledged and accounted for.”

“I look forward to seeing the positive ideas each team member brings to the program and local young people within the region.”

As part of the Y4Y team, members will meet regularly and work on a range of initiatives and development opportunities – from running an annual youth forum, to organising local youth-focused programs, advocate for change for local young people, participating in leadership and skills-development programs and more.

For more information visit

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