NSW Small Business Month: Central Coast Council Hosts Digital Maturity Breakfast Seminar for Entrepreneurs!

by LukeAdmin

October is NSW Small Business month and Central Coast Council is inviting small business owners to celebrate at a breakfast seminar on Friday 6 October.

This year’s theme is ‘My Small Business’ and is focused on providing assistance and tips on how small businesses can strengthen their business.

Council’s Unit Manager Economic Development and Property, Jamie Barclay, said in line with this year’s theme Council will host a free breakfast seminar on increasing small business digital maturity capabilities.

“The aim of the event is to get small businesses on the Coast to think about their own digital and online presence and what steps they can take to optimise it,” Mr Barclay said.

“We have engaged the Fifth Element to facilitate the seminar who specialise in supporting small businesses in building a more robust enterprise through digital activation.”

Council’s Administrator, Rik Hart, encourages small business owners to attend the seminar to take home the tips they need to enhance their business online.

“The breakfast seminar will also be a great chance to network with other local businesses in the area and share ideas,” Mr Hart said.

“Small Business month focuses on the different elements of being a small business owner, and we hope our seminar will help you with your individual business needs.”

The free breakfast seminar, ‘My Small Business Digital Maturity’, is proudly supported by the NSW Government Small Business Commissions and will be held on Friday 6 October from 8-10.30am at The Entertainment grounds, West Gosford.

Find out more and book your seat today by visiting centralcoast.nsw.gov.au/whats-on/council/my-small-business-digital-maturity-breakfast-seminar 

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