by Robyn Gasparotto, Manager – Gosford Private Maternity Services
Gosford Private Maternity Services has introduced an internationally recognised, evidence-based training program named PROMPT (Practical Obstetric Multiprofessional Team training). The training involves doctors, midwifery and nursing staff in emergency simulation training within the hospital’s Birth Unit, Maternity Ward, Special Care Nursery and Operating Theatres.
Major emergencies during birth are rare and largely avoidable, however when emergencies do occur, they bring special challenges due to the unpredictable nature of birth. Access to an expert midwifery team and specialist doctors including, Obstetricians, Anaesthetists and Paediatricians is important to improving responses to these emergencies.
Reports into birthing emergencies have consistently recommended improved communication, teamwork, early identification of the sick woman, senior support and regular emergency training as the major focus areas.
PROMPT is proven to improve maternal and newborn outcomes and ensures a well coordinated response by the hospital’s team, through improved collaboration, communication, teamwork and leadership.
The introduction of PROMPT at Gosford Private Hospital commenced in February 2020 and the excitement of the course has been contagious. Staff have welcomed the program and early reports reveal it has improved the whole team’s safety culture, teamwork, communication and clinical skills. Gosford Private Hospital instigated PROMPT training with a desire to improve safety for women and their babies, while reinforcing the hospital’s values, Best Practice, Best Experience, Respect, Positive Energy and It’s Personal.
PROMPT is a highly motivating program which has already fostered respect, confidence and familiarity amongst the team. Exciting teamwork, communication, situational awareness and leadership lectures are included. Empathy and human behaviour is infused within the PROMPT program through the inclusion of skill stations and simulations using actors and de-briefing practices. The importance of feedback and debriefing sessions provides valuable insight from the perspective of staff, teams, women and their support people.
Gosford Private Maternity is committed to the provision of the highest quality safest obstetric and neonatal service. In the unlikely event of an obstetric emergency, our teams are well positioned to execute an experienced and well-coordinated response. The team have now trained and practiced together within their normal working environment, ensuring improved management of rare emergencies. By working and learning together, the team has experienced greater collaboration and are ready to provide the highest quality care for women and their families.
Robyn Gasparotto,
R.N, R.M Mast Primary Maternity
Care Midwifery Manager
Gosford Private Hospital
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