U3A Central Coast is excited to be able to offer a diverse range of courses, presentations, activities and outings in 2025 and welcomes new members.
U3A Central Coast is part of a global movement that inspires people to pursue educational and recreational activities during their senior years. U3A believes that keeping your mind and body active in your retirement years and socialising with like–minded people fosters overall wellbeing and keeps you “young.”
We are a vibrant not for profit community organisation and use the skills and interests of our own members gained during their working lives. We call these people “leaders” and they present courses/activities for the sheer pleasure of providing affordable “learning for fun”. If you are passionate about a hobby or interest, we can help you get started as a tutor or group leader. U3A is run by, and for, retirees.
As a member of U3A, you need never worry about feeling bored in retirement. Endless opportunities await you at U3A Central Coast. Our courses on offer in semester one 2025 include Flora and Fauna of the Central Coast, Women at War, Contemporary Literature and Conspiracy Theories. These are held at venues across the coast. Or you can join us for walks and outings such as a visit to NSW State Library.
Course Enrolment Day is the 13th January 2025 but first you must be a financial member.
For more information visit: www.centralcoast.u3anet.org.au or call 0408 704 701